We have recently received inquiries regarding SSL settings for ArcGIS Monitor, where users encountered “unsupported” errors when attempting to upload SSL certificates in PFX format. After conducting a thorough investigation, we have determined that the issue does not reside with ArcGIS Monitor 2023.2.0 but rather with Node.js version 17, which ArcGIS Monitor 2023.2.0 relies on.

Node.js version 17, by default, disables support for RC2 encryption. Consequently, if a user attempts to upload a PFX certificate containing RC2 encryption, the operation will fail. To address this issue, there are two possible workarounds:

  1. Enable RC2 Support for Node.js Version 17
    You can enable RC2 support for Node.js version 17 by using the “–openssl-legacy-provider” flag. However, it’s essential to note that this approach is not recommended due to potential security concerns
  2. Remove RC2 from the PFX Certificate
    The recommended solution is to remove RC2 encryption from the PFX certificate. This can be accomplished using tools like OpenSSL or Keystore Explorer. By removing RC2 encryption, you eliminate vulnerabilities associated with it.

Additionally, ensure that the PFX certificate is correctly chained to the root. Typically, there are three certificates in the chain: the domain certificate, the intermediary certificate, and the root certificate at the very top.

If you require assistance with the implementation and installation of ArcGIS Monitor, please do not hesitate to contact us for an obligation-free discussion. Our team is ready to help you address any issues and ensure a smooth experience with ArcGIS Monitor.