ArcGIS Experience Builder Enhanced Search Widget


We recently had the honor of assisting one of our clients with the transition from Geocortex to ArcGIS Experience Builder. This project involved redesigning screens and converting both custom [...]

ArcGIS Experience Builder Enhanced Search Widget2024-07-13T22:00:53+08:00

Resolving SSL Certificate Issues with ArcGIS Monitor


We have recently received inquiries regarding SSL settings for ArcGIS Monitor, where users encountered "unsupported" errors when attempting to upload SSL certificates in PFX format. After conducting a thorough [...]

Resolving SSL Certificate Issues with ArcGIS Monitor2023-11-07T10:43:50+08:00

Integration: Power BI and ArcGIS Feature Service


We have recently received an inquiry regarding the integration of Power BI with ArcGIS feature services. The short answer is: "Yes, Power BI can be used to query ArcGIS [...]

Integration: Power BI and ArcGIS Feature Service2023-08-07T17:18:39+08:00
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