This report is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. It is only intended for internal analysis and information visualizations!

The data shows reported adverse reaction associated with Covid-19 vaccines, there is no solid evidence that it is caused by the vaccine.
We will share our architecture design in our insight sections.

Total doses administered are ingested from Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout – Full data and analysis

Pfizer data are from 01-Dec-2020 to 28-Feb-2021, TGA data are as of the latest run date shown on top right corner of the report.
As per TGA disclaimer, reports from the last fourteen days have not been included in the database.
TNS means Tradename Not Supplied, meaning that reported adverse reaction does not include type of vaccine but vaccinated.

TGA data does not identify clearly on the case level which are resulted in fatality, in order for us to identify fatal cases we are using elimination algorithm. This algorithm looks at organ class where reported cases and fatal cases are the same and it is not zero, from there we configure our filter to find those cases and tag those cases as fatal in our database.

Using this method, we are able to accurately identify around 80% of the reported fatal cases.

From the total doses administered, and fatality rate we use simple extrapolation and apply Aus Vax Safety data (link to the source are available on the footer) .

Based on Aus Vax Safety 44.8% of total vaccine administered having at least one adverse reactions, and out of those 1% actually visited a GP or ED so we assume the 1% of 44.8% of total doses administered are what supposedly reported to TGA DAEN. For simplicity we assume one person one shot instead of one person might have multiple shots, we do not take into consideration likelihood of adverse reaction due to repeated injections (likely or Less likely).

Using the number above, we then extrapolate the fatality number using Pfizer’s post-marketing and TGA’s fatality rate as shown below. Based on TGA website, their data is 14 days behind, so we use total doses adminitered 14 days ago for accuracy purposes.

The chats below shows top five organ class impacted the most by each vaccine.

More to come as more data being ingested and become available, so stay tuned…

All Copyrights belong to its respective owners.
  • Ubuntu

  • MySQL

  • Python

  • Selenium

  • Google Data Studio

  • Cronjob

Data Sources:
  • Pfizer FoI Published Data (

  • TGA Database Adverse Event Notification (

  • COVID-19 vaccine rollout – Full data and analysis (

  • COVID-19 vaccine safety data – at a glance (